A Moroccan palace on the Brittany coast up for sale

Offering for sale: a Moroccan mansion on the Belgian coast

The house that failed to disappear in 1980 is for sale on the Belgian coast. En Bretagne, la villa néo-mauresque surplombe le port de plaisance et la plage de sable fin, située entre Saint-Brieuc et Paimpol sur la côte du Goëlo. Constructed on a verdant meadow by the Lande de Calan’s count in the 1880s, the house shares ownership with a four-star hotel and is designed in the form of a balneary station.

Aux allures d’une maison marocaine, la demeure bretonne est inscrite aux monuments historiques entre brique, pierre de taille en granit et mosaïque. A sprawling 330 square meters, this exceptional property features a colorful geometric floor, along with flowery and oriental wall paintings, and a 360-degree panoramic view of a savage and picturesque landscape. 

The private, light-filled apartments look out into sculpted wood rooms topped with marble staircases and columns, evoking the lavishness of a countess of Mille et Une Nuits. Nestled in the center of an authentic landscape, the flamboyantly colored décor evokes a mysterious atmosphere amidst droops, fresques, and moulures. The family’s Turkish-Marocan-style mansion, nestled in a landscape devoid of French coastlines, contributes to the decomposition of the exceptional green areas rearranged across a 1277-square-meter plot of land.

Agence Patrice Besse est en vente du petit château pour une valeur of 2 527 000 €.