Rick Ross sadly returned to his hometown with his mother to rest after breaking up with his girlfriend Cris of 5 months

Rick Ross, the man whose nаme rhymed with opulence, wasn’t one to skimp on a gift, especially for Mama Louise. This year, for her birthday, he orchestrated a symphony of extravagance, a grand escapade to the city that never sleeps, the glittering diamond on America’s crown – New York.

Her home for the week wasn’t just any hotel; it was a suite adorned with marble and gold, a symphony of city lights twinkling below like fallen stars. Every whim was a whisper away, room service a ballet of white tablecloths and silver-domed delights.

Days were a tapestry woven with experiences dipped in platinum. From private tours of art galleries where Rembrandts whispered secrets from gilded frames to Broadway shows where applause cascaded like diamonds, mama Louise was the queen of the concrete jungle.

Rick, ever the dutiful son, was her constant escоrt, a grinning giant keeping watch over his queen. But for Mama Louise, this wasn’t just a fаncy vacation; it was a love letter written in platinum ink, a testament to a son who’d climbed mountains and emerged with not just riches, but unwavering devotion.